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Pravize Two Class Trademark Monitoring Service-1 Yr

This is a Two Class Trademark Monitoring Services offered and performed by Pravize to monitor your trademarked name. We will deep dive into the federal trademark database to find any similar use of your mark or similar marks that could cause confusion to your customers and we will provide you with a monthly report via email to alert you to any legitimate conflicts you would need to know about.


This package goes one step further than just watching your trademarked name, it also looks for someone selling products or services under your trademarked name.


Example: If you have a second class so you can sell posters, we will be searching for anyone that is selling posters that is not you and using your trademarked name! This is a much needed monitoring feature that goes much further than the standard federal database search.


NOTE: If you have purchased any of our Two Class Trademark Packages this service is already included in your package.


This service would be for renewal after one year has passed since your trademark approval with Pravize or for a customer who already has a trademark and would like Pravize to monitor their existing trademark.

Pravize Two Class Trademark Monitoring Service-1 Yr

SKU: 2018-301
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